Pre-Op IV Sedation Instructions

Below are a few essential instructions and reminders:

  • You should not drink any alcohol or take any recreational drugs for 24 hours or drink caffeinated beverages for 12 hours before and after your appointment.
  • You should also not eat or drink anything for 8 hours before, nor should you take any medication not approved by the Doctor before to your appointment.
  • You should not drink grapefruit juice or eat any grapefruit product for 7 days before your appointment.
  • There is no chance of pregnancy.
  • Please make sure there has been no change in my medical history since my sedation consult. • Have your companion bring you to our office on the procedure date.
  • NO driving yourself! An adult (18 years or older) must escort you into the office and not leave until the patient is assisted by the doctor or office team.
  • We suggest you wear comfortable clothing e.g., a lightweight jogging suit and do not wear contact lenses during your appointment.
  • Leave all personal belongings at home (ex: purse, jewelry, watch, etc.) Prestige Dental Specialists is not responsible for lost belongings.

Also, we have found that many patients benefit from natural healing agents that can be purchased at local drug stores.

  • Vitamin C (1000mg taken 3x a day)
  • Enzyme Co Q 10 (50mg taken 2x a day)

We recommend beginning this vitamin regimen 1 week before the appointment and continue for at least 2 weeks after the appointment.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at (703) 462-9092.